Monday, November 26, 2012

He will Guide Me


He will guide me through walls that keep me out
He will guide me through drought stricken lands, and endless desserts of doubt
My King he is mighty …my lord he is strong, my savior he is worthy to call upon
He is a King that is noble loving and kind… regal enough to reign and still let his subjects shine
Oh but brighter is his love so that human eyes cannot bear to see
Oh how I yearn for this illumination to manifest inside of me
I fall on my knees in worship; wondrously sing his praise, then cry and meditate on him in silence for days
Speak to me oh lord touch my heart… hold my hand
Guide me through the walls that keep me out in this drought stricken land
-Lover of Jesus

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Not Just Business as Ususal...


 Feeling different or being the outcast and the black sheep can be very hard especially when you're young. Ever since I was a child I have always felt that I was going to have an impact on the world some kind of way. But finding your way to that destination can be difficult. Everyone you know, be it family or friends will have something negative to say about your ambitions and why they will not work . These conversations have a way of embedding themselves on your brain and resurfacing every time you try to take a step towards a new beginning. Fear of failure is a real monster ( almost as much as hearing the ones we  mentioned above casually whispering "I told you so") I can only imagine how much further along I would be in my business affairs if I would have just stepped out on faith, plugged my ears to the naysayers, and went full speed ahead with my life. Being a person that has always had a natural entrepreneurial spirit but not really knowing exactly how to channel it has been hard.Being such a honest and sensitive person I had convinced myself that I would never make it in the cut throat fast paced world of business associating with the likes of moguls like Donald Trump and others like him. I always thought making it in business was about having no feelings being heartless making the tough decisions even if it meant hurting and exploiting others to become successful. On the contrary after studying the lives of others  I realized that I posses a lot of qualities that would make me a wonderful business woman. I'm  creative, resourceful, detail oriented, organized, and passionate about the success of myself and those around me. What other people think about you does not matter they do not add up to enough to even count ( I mean really have you seen the other category on most poll questions other never really accounts for many votes). Once you have determined that no ones opinion matters its just about getting focused, pin pointing your strengths gifts and talents and seeing how they can help. Then roll your sleeves up and get to work! It takes a person with a good self perception to believe that they could be good at running a business because the money does not just make itself ( well at least not for awhile) There are so many factors that are contingent upon you. Your ability to communicate, network, and interact with professionalism and integrity is key. So people who make the road to success look easy probably are not really on that road. There has to be something unusual, uncommon or unique about your business if it is truly going to be successful so why not start with the owner!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Time is always moving even while we sleep, it never stops. The days turn to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years.Our schedules are monotonous and task and duties seem endless. I believe I have lost my true self in the mist of time passing. I'm afraid of time... afraid that life will pass me by before I can make a difference in the world or make an impact on some ones life. When I was a little girl my mother would read me stories of the bible and tell me her spiritual outlook on life. It was of frightening to say the least. Stories of fates sealed by salvation and time ticking away to the worlds end. An imminent road to rapture and reckoning, deliverance and doom. Needless to say this was more than my 9 year old mind could handle so I did  the only thing I had been taught to do I I got down on my  knees one night at the tender age of 9 and asked GOD to just please give me a little more time. Time grow up, and get married, and have kids and to see them grow up as well. After all he is God right? he can slow down time if he wanted to couldn't he.. he wouldn't let the world come crashing to an end without allowing me to experience something great while I'm  here right? What kind of God does that I would ask myself after my mom warned me about wickedness, wars and wrath. I think somewhere along the way I being to fear instead of feel know really feel and connect. You cant live today if you're always in fear of tomorrow. That's not living. When I walked outside today I saw all the beautiful possibilities of just that TODAY! Not an ever present doom of the future. After I reflected on this I began looking into my husbands eyes TODAY, smiling TODAY, laughing TODAY, watching my kids grow TODAY. I began to do all the things that I prayed that God would  allow me to do twenty years ago!  I don't know when and where or even how the world will end but I remember what a Bishop taught in a teaching about respecting Gods Timing. God does not reside in time he is everlasting to everlasting (infinite) and that has been long enough for him to answer my prayers.. lol .

Lady Mogul
Still trusting and Believing

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Failure is not Final!


Being able to endure and outlast the struggles of life is something that takes patience and character to master. I have wanted to connect with the world in a special way all my life but figuring out how to do this in an way that would be effective has not been easy. Trying to communicate a specific message to an audience that is actually willing to listen requires one to develop an emotional connection with that particular audience. Once you become emotionally invested in a project or person you raise the stakes  because you then have something to lose if the transfer  is unsuccessful. The more personal resources ( time, money, love, advice, physical labor)  you invest into a particular relationship or venture the harder it will be to deal with it failing. Having something not turn out the way you had hope for or envisioned can defiantly be disappointing especially after you have focused endless resources to make it happen. The key thing to remember is you are always in control. The way you chose to process the thoughts that flood your mind after a failure will dictate your potential success in the future. FAILURE IS NOT FINAL! Failures are nothing more than a way to improve our experiences in the future.
  1. Try to always keep a positive outlook on all of your in devours.
  2.  Take inventory of all the things that you accomplished as well as  the goals you did not meet. 
  3. And as for the things that did not go well explore possible reasons that contributed like 
    • Keeping track of the company you keep including whom you took advice from. 
    • How you spent most of your time 
    • And most of all how you chose to process and act upon each thought and idea....

Friday, November 9, 2012



Continuing on the journey of beauty enhancement I've already become obsessed with a cosmetic brand that goes in easy on the face and the wallet! E.L.F cosmetics stands for eyes, lips, and face. They carry a broad line of products from face setting mist and eye  primers to matte and mineral foundations all the way to brush shampoo and luscious liquid lipsticks. I ran across this particular brand while browsing the makeup isles at my local Target. Once I began to take a closer look at the details and descriptions of the products I was quite impressed not only was the packaging super sleek and sexy but the prices were astronomically cheap! For example comparing a $26 3oz tube of Urban Decay eye primer with a 3 piece E.L.F eye priming set for only $3! I mean come on really Its almost to good to be true but the first thing that comes to mind after the excitement dies down is the actual quality of the products. Well that you don't have to worry about either because I'm on my second complete haul of E.LF products and all I can say is I'm very impressed. No one wants to pay a ton of money for cosmetics but lets face it some of the more upscale brands are really at some pretty high price points. E.LF cosmetics gives you a GIGANTIC price break but does not skimp on packaging or quality, their like makeup angels (awwwww...) So to ease all your suspicions I am uploading my first online video after the Welcome video on The E.L.F Experience and I will create a look using some of the things I bought! Thei video will also include some details that I did not mention here in the blog entry as well as info on a FREE E.L.F PRIZE GIVEAWAY! So come subscribe to LADY MOGUL TV on YouTube at the top of this blog page and I'll see you there!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Being a support system  in any form can be draining in many different ways. Support can be given in various aspects emotional, financial, spiritual etc. Although most of us try to lend support to the significant others, families, friends, coworkers, church members and organizations that depend on us most; at any given time situations where we try to be most genuine and helpful can begin to impose a mental and physical strain on even the noblest of creatures.

The love we have for those we care for the most can put us in some tough and uncomfortable positions. The lines of love, loyalty, and obligation begin to become twisted and blurred. Often relationships should be categorized and prioritized for maximum effectiveness of  time and other resources we are expending on the  people and projects in our lives. In other words deciding who and what is worthy of it all. Every time you give some one a pep talk or a word of encouragement you have given them an intangible gift and although you have not spent money an exchange has still taken place. The essence of who we are is spirit and energy. In order  for us to be optimal there must always be an invisible balance. If you are engaging in a relationship where constant withdrawals are being made on your energy and no deposits are being reciprocated this is an imbalanced union and only beneficial to one party. ( You are being used!)

True love can stand the test of time through endurance. In a balanced union each party will be able to give at maximum capacity and vice-verse without strain or stress being imposed on the other party. Far to often people are not willing to  hold there end of a partnership because they are not ready and willing to carry the weight of responsibility. Or they have a selfish mentality to take take take and never give in return. 

If we can decide to support and balance each partnership properly the exchange could be mutually beneficial for all. Where one is weak another is strong and by this principle we can elevate one anther to divine purpose.

He will Guide Me

  He will guide me through walls that keep me out He will guide me through drought stricken lands, and endless desserts of doubt ...