Thursday, October 18, 2012


I've always wondered why its been so hard for me to lose weight .... like really whats the problem. In my mind I had managed to come up with many reasons why the cosmos were secretly plotting against me, AND my waistline! Can you say "conspiracy theory" ( raised eyebrow)? This of course led me straight down the rabbit hole into a mind numbing spiral of yo-yo diets, fat be-gone pills, extreme exercise routines, and even flat out starvation. Yet deeper still down the abyss I went into an emotional decay of low self esteem, moral  decay all the way down to depression and active thoughts of suicide. Imagine a simple enjoyable everyday task like shopping for a new shirt or pair of pants or the ever dreaded mirror glance before you hop in the shower becoming your utter most worst nightmare sending lighting bolts of shame and dispare straight  to your heart. These feelings then become the fuel that starts another weight loss journey sadly  destined for failure before it begins. WHY? Because more times than not there is more going on beside eating the wrong foods and eating too much of them. Likely the cause has some, if not all to do with some type of internal emotional disfunction manifesting itself outwardly through poor lifestyle and eating habits. (Ron Williams calls this soul wounds and addresses it in full in his book "FAITH and FAT LOSS" a must read! Feelings, hurts, and pain from our past that we have tried to bury down deep in the hopes of maintaining a happy and productive life. BE CLEAR... even if you have managed to gain control of your thoughts and perceptions of these past events don't be fooled, their still there only now it is possible you have unknowingly developed certian coping mechanisms as it relates to food, diet, and exercise. The battle as always is not with the body OR THE BELLY! It's in our minds, tied in personal perception or how we see ourselves as it relates to those past hurts. It's all SELF ESTEEM and SELF AWARENESS. We are who we belive we are and more importantly who God created us to be. NOT WHAT OTHERS HAVE LIED AND SAID WE WERE AND MOST CERTAINLY NOT WHO THE DEVIL TRIES TO MAKE US THINK WE ARE, WHICH IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH! Not good enough to look your best and be your best and then inspire some one else to be there best. This is not an entry to tell you how to lose weight it is to tell you to get your mind right and then watch what happens! xoxoxo

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He will Guide Me

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